Saturday, March 5, 2011

Get to Know Your Paper Options for Printing

Get to Know Your Paper Options for Printing
by: Charen Smith

Are you looking for an online printing company to handle your printing needs? Have you considered the type of paper to use for your project? Regardless of the type of material you want to get printed, choosing the paper stock is a critical aspect of the printing process. Whether you are printing posters, business cards or letterheads, you always get to choose the paper they need to be printed on. Actually, this part of the process is not that complicated, provided that you have a basic idea on your paper options.

In any printing project, the paper is a vital factor in giving a quality and professional look to the product. This is why it is important that you familiarize yourself with different types of paper, especially if you are going to print your materials through an online printer where you need to be precise about your specifications. You can’t afford to make a mistake in choosing the paper stock for your project. The printer may assist you in choosing the appropriate type of paper, but it would be very useful if you know something about the subject.

Once you have placed your order, the printing company will offer you different paper options to choose from. They would also ask you to specify certain details, such as the finish as well as the thickness and opacity of the paper.

There are three paper characteristics that affect the quality of printing on paper – the weight, opacity and finish. Finish has something to do with texture as well as the general physical appearance of a paper. Among the more popular paper finishes are coated (with glossy finish) and uncoated (the sheet’s surface is not shiny). Materials that usually have coated finish are brochures, postcards and flyers. Example of those that have uncoated finish are newsletters, letterheads and book pages.

Coating can be on both sides of the paper or on just one side, with the reverse being dull or untreated. On the other hand, weight refers to the paper’s thickness. For instance, thick cover stocks, which are sturdy and can’t be folded easily, are heavier in weight than book papers. Generally used for business cards, postcards and covers of publications, they can also be coated or uncoated.

Now, a paper’s opacity is determined by its thickness, elements and capability to absorb ink. This characteristic is very important because it tells you how much print will be visible on the paper’s reverse side. High level of opacity keeps all darker images from showing through the sheet.

What printing project do you have in mind? Is it appropriate to have it coated? Or is it better to have it uncoated? Coated papers are generally more expensive than uncoated ones so you have to take your budget into account as well. The same is true with the paper’s weight.

Knowing what paper to use is essential in planning your printing project. It allows you to visualize how the final product would look like and let you avoid costly mistakes. Aside from that, you get to plan your budget accordingly.

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