Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Attract the Company’s Target Market Online

How to Attract the Company’s Target Market Online

Knowing and identifying the company’s ideal customer plays an important role in making an online business or online marketing campaign successful. By identifying the basic characteristics about the company’s target market will help create an effective marketing strategy and online campaign. The more information about the company’s ideal customer, the greater chance the campaign will be a success. Once the characteristics are identified, the online marketing campaign should deliver a clear and innovative message specifically for that target market.

One great advantage of online marketing is a company can target a specific market by catering to the needs of individual’s characteristics. A company can create a marketing campaign designed to target more than one audience by understanding the different target markets. When designing the company website, utilize various features that will help attract and capture the attention of the identified target market.

By utilizing new technology or creating buzz through an innovative way will definitely attract traffic towards the company website, and possibly go viral through word of mouth. Utilizing an email list is a more traditional viral marketing tool, which can be both efficient and low budget. However, remember an email list is about quality not quantity. Do not purchase an email list and always have an unsubscribe option. If the company has a small existing email list, suggest subscribers to forward email to family and friends.

Another way to attract the company’s target market is to personalize the company website, which can be costly. However, there are a few basic and effective items that could be implemented in the website design to create the perception of a personalized experience for each customer. The website should have personalized content that’s well organized, making the website easy to navigate. Especially since there is so much information on the internet and most people tend not to make a purchase when they have too many choices. Make sure to add a basic search engine tool.

The home page should tell the company’s target market the reason why the company’s product or service is perfect for them. Remember, customers want to know what the company can do for them. The company information should be located on the about page. Also, add a privacy policy in a prominent place on the company website. By doing so, potential customers will feel they can trust the company not sharing personal information with any third parties or vendors.

Depending on how targeted the company’s online marketing strategy and how well the company’s website is designed to attract that target market, will be important factors of the online campaign success.

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